martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Short Quiz

Good morning dear students! before today´s lesson i want you to answer a short quiz. This quiz is about what we have been discussing in previous lessons about Recycling, Reusing and Reducing.

Follow the instructions:

1) Open the next link:
2) Tap the option "Student Login"

3) Enter our class name "ITZIARCLASS"

4) Tap "Join Room"
5) Enter your name

6) Answer the questions, submit every answer.


lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Group Work: Design your "Action Plan"

Dear students, we have being talking about the human impact on the environment in the past few weeks. For this assignment i have divided you into three different groups (1, 2 & 3).

Each group is going to have a different scenario. Go ahead and read throughout the scenario with your group members.
The instructions are clearly written on the worksheet.

With your group create a graphic organiser with bubbl website we have already used for past assignments. (Go and look back into prior posts on the blog to remember how to use the application if you have any doubts or enter and get familiar with the different tools provided for you.)

Use the application with your group in order to come up with your  "Action Plan" to help prevent and revert some environmental problems present in your given scenarios. I have already gave you a frame work to do your action plan. With your groups edit the frame work given adding all your thoughts, actions, decisions and ideas you come up with.

Remember your ideas and decisions need to be realistic! this means we can truly apply them in the real world.

While you design your Action plan think about what difficulties did you encounter with your groups and be ready to share with the rest of the class your experiences, thoughts and reasons about WHY AND HOW your decisions will help your city and it´s environmental issues. 

The different scenarios and frame work for your group action plan are attached below:

  1. Group 1: 
Bubbl frame work link:

  1. Group 2:
Bubbl frame work link:
  1. Group 3:

Bubbl frame work link:


Group Work: Design your "Action Plan"

Dear students, we have being talking about the human impact on the environment in the past few weeks. For this assignment i have divided you into three different groups (1, 2 & 3).

Each group is going to have a different scenario. Go ahead and read throughout the scenario with your group members.
The instructions are clearly written on the worksheet.

With your group create a graphic organiser with bubbl website we have already used for past assignments. (Go and look back into prior posts on the blog to remember how to use the application if you have any doubts or enter and get familiar with the different tools provided for you.)

Use the application with your group in order to come up with your  "Action Plan" to help prevent and revert some environmental problems present in your given scenarios. I have already given you a frame work to do your action plan. With your groups edit the frame work given adding all your thoughts, actions, decisions and ideas you come up with.

Remember your ideas and decisions need to be realistic! this means we can truly apply them in the real world.

While you design your Action plan think about what difficulties did you encounter with your groups and be ready to share with the rest of the class your experiences, thoughts and reasons about WHY AND HOW your decisions will help your city and it´s environmental issues. 

The different scenarios and frame work for your group action plan are attached below:

  1. Group 1: 
Bubbl frame work link:

  1. Group 2:
Bubbl frame work link:
  1. Group 3:

Bubbl frame work link:


jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016


Dear students! tomorrow we are going to talk about earthquakes, but before we dig in i want you to see the next video:
Watch the following minutes:

  1. 7:16 - 8:53
  2. 11:08 - 12:30

After you watch the video, think about the following questions:

  1. What do earthquakes look like? Think about the duration and intensity of it.
  2. How would you describe the movement of the ground?
  3. How is the people reacting? Why do you think they are acting like that?
  4. What can you see people doing in order to be safe?
  5. What do you think the word magnitude means when measuring an earthquake?
  6. What is something new you realised about earthquakes?
  7. What questions do you have about earthquakes?

Write down the answers on your copybook! 

Be ready to share your thoughts, realisations, doubts and questions about the video!

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2016

Brainstorming together!!

Dear students, before starting our new topic enter the following link:
Give yourself a couple of minutes to understand how the website works.
The following section in the website is helpful for practicing, go ahead and try it out!

CLICK "Edit this example" 

Once you are ready, follow the Instructions:

  1. Go to the following link:
  2. Write down all the ideas you have about the following concepts:
  • solids 
  • liquids
  • gases

I´ve already given you the frame work! go ahead and add all your ideas on the purple boxes. Be sure to add more boxes whenever you need. You can include, examples, definitions, descriptions and any connections you think exist between these three different concepts.
You will be brainstorming together with your peers! be careful not to eliminate your friends comments.

Don´t worry if you are not sure about your ideas, we will review it all together during class! (:

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

What do you mean?... i can´t just take it? Quick introduction and reflection about Copyright

Dear students, take a while and observe the following pictures:

 600 × 700 -
600 × 450 - 
 230 × 271 - 2215 × 1625 -
4836 × 5000 -
448 × 336 - 
Think about it..

  1. How do these pictures relate to each other?
  2. How would you feel if that happened to you?
  3. Why would you feel that way?
  4. Is it fair? what would you have done instead?
  5. What would you tell the person that did it to you?
  6. In what specific scenarios can you think about that are related to this one?
  7. Why are they similar?
Watch the following video: 
  1. Is there a difference between stealing a dvd from a store and downloading a movie from the internet? Why?
  2. Why do you think so many people do it?
  3. Why does it seem we don't feel as guilty when downloading a movie from the internet but we would never be able to steal a movie from a store?
Go to the following website: 
Answer the following questions:
  1. What did you realise about copyright?
  2. What questions do you have about copyright?
  3. Do you think copyright law is necessary? Why?
  4. Why do you think it is important for you to know about this?
  5. What personal actions will you take before using someone else ideas or work?
  6. How do you think technology and all the sources we have access to are related to making good or bad decisions?

 600 × 433 - 

Be ready to share your thoughts with the class!!!

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

Why making this blog?

This blog is designed as an open space where i like to share my doubts, questions, concerns and realizations about the use of technology in today's classroom. I hope we are able to engage in active discussions and most important of all, develop awareness of how technology is more than a naive and inoffensive tool. Technology is powerful enough to change the way we think about the world, therefore about education in such a strong but hypnotising way we don't realize it.
 So before you think about including any sort of technology inside your classroom, reflect, be critical. Think about your reasons for including technology in your class.
Is it just to entertain your students? Is it because it's there, is available so you "should" use it? 
think about how your own and your students behavior is going to change, think deeply. Get to the bottom of it.